Match Play League
Starts June 24th
Prepare your Kill Team For Battle!
Commanders will pit themselves against their opponents in battles of tactical skill and turn-by-turn decisions. With each kill team using only the core weapons and equipment on their datasheet, you will need to plan ahead to outsmart your foe and claim victory.
League members, check the Kill Team League Channel on the Discord page for standings, contact information, and pairings.
League Information
Duration: 2 months, June 24 - August 18
Cost: $20 before the league starts
Players must have:
The core rules
All necessary faction miniatures (they do NOT have to be painted)
All necessary faction data sheet rules
A faction roster sheet - digital or paper
You must abide by all Match Play rules.
Players may agree on the mission pack of their choice. If an agreement cannot be reached, players can roll off - high roll chooses.
While terrain and playmats are available, players are welcome to bring their own.
Battles must be played at GriffoNest Games.
You may not interfere with another game in any way.
GriffoNest Games will ask for your contact information for the sole purpose of arranging games and notifying you of your two-week period opponent. We WILL NOT contact you in any other fashion.
Required Game: Every two weeks, players will be given an opponent with a similar league standing to you. Any time during that period, you must arrange a meeting time with your opponent to complete your battle at GriffoNest Games. These games will work towards your league standings and gaining requisition points.
Optional Games: Up to two times per two-week period, you may play up to 2 optional games versus other league players. You may never play someone more than twice in this fashion during any two-week period (you may play your required opponent more than once, though, the second time counts as an optional game). These games will earn you requisition points and experience points.
Two Week Period Dates:
Round 1: June 24th - July 7th
Round 2: July 8th - July 21st
Round 3: July 22nd - August 4th
Round 4: August 5th - August 18th
A battle win will earn you 3 points.
A battle tie will earn you 1 point.
A battle loss will earn you 0 points.
Will still gain 1 requisition point after match (Win/Lose/Draw)
League standings will only be used to create your pairings each three-week period.
Prizes: We will be using a prize ticket system for this league:
Required Game: Win or lose, you will receive 4 prize tickets for playing your required game each two-week period. If you win your required game, you will receive one additional prize ticket.
Optional Games: Win or lose, you will receive 1 prize ticket per game for playing each optional game in a two-week period.
All entrance fees will be used by the store to purchase Warhammer prizes. At the end of the league, players will place their tickets into containers for the prizes they hope to win. Tickets will then be randomly drawn to determine the winners of those prizes.